Ones & Tooze: The Economic Philosophy of George Soros
Billionaire George Soros has been funding democracy promotion around the world for decades, through his Open Society Foundation. For his efforts, he’s become a bogeyman
Billionaire George Soros has been funding democracy promotion around the world for decades, through his Open Society Foundation. For his efforts, he’s become a bogeyman
“The market for U.S. government debt (Treasuries) forms the bedrock of the global financial system. The ability of investors to sell Treasuries quickly, cheaply, and
In “The Last Politician,” Franklin Foer presents the first half of Biden’s presidency as a series of made-for-television moments meant to inspire doubters and assuage
US and EU attempts to respond to China’s Belt and Road Initiative have fallen dismally short Read the full article at The Financial Times
That goal should be subject to public scrutiny and judged against the demands of the moment Read the full article at The Financial Times
From migration to Ukraine, Europe’s future worry list runs much deeper than fiscal rules Read the full article at The Financial Times
The messy nature of decisions is important both for US citizens and the world Read the full article at The Financial Times
The waning of the ‘peace interest’ leaves multi-billion-dollar investments hanging by a thread Read the full article at The Financial Times.
The commission’s industrial policy debate has been singularly lacking in bottom-up public participation Read the full article at The Financial Times.
Beneath a veil of silence, a hugely dramatic and powerful episode of financial repression is ongoing Read the full article in The Financial Times.
Europe and the US may sincerely want Kyiv to prevail over Moscow but they are failing to match ends with means. Read the full article
Proponents of business as usual and the new cold warriors are too confident of their ability to predict the future. Read the full article in
Making a fuss over America’s Inflation Reduction Act is gratuitous and counterproductive. Read the full article at the Financial Times
The US is addicted to greatness – and haunted by its loss. Great powers, both past and present, are haunted by three interconnected preoccupations: they
Stopping a hyped-up project that promises to disrupt the status quo requires decisiveness and courage Read the full article at the Financial Times
At a time of global conflict, world powers showed that cooperation can actually work. Ahead of time, the script for the G-20 summit in Bali,
This winter, Europe may be facing a crisis without any clear solution. Right now, the sobering truth is that the future of Europe hinges on
Today disparate shocks interact so that the whole is worse than the sum of the parts Read the full article at the Financial Times
As Bruno Latour confided to Le Monde earlier this year in one of his final interviews, philosophy was his great intellectual love. But across his
On the occasion of Jacobin’s “Inflation” issue release party, Samir Sonti interviewed historian Adam Tooze at the Mayday Space in Brooklyn. This is audio from
The dollar is king. This year the strength of the US currency has humbled the yen, the euro and the pound sterling. US interest rates
“A conversation about the fragile, uncertain future of the global economy at this history-making moment and the Fed’s role in it.” Find a transcript of
The new British government is an economic disaster—and a symbol of a global political crisis. In the last few weeks, we have witnessed the remarkable
Around the world, rapid economic recovery from the Covid shock unleashed the largest wave of inflation we have seen since the early 1980s. In response,
In the US they call it ‘starving the beast’ – cut taxes and, as revenue decreases, you create irresistible pressure for austerity Markets have delivered
An economic history of the last century recalls a period that improved and redefined the lives of billions — yet also enabled war and environmental
Fed chief Jerome Powell wants the world to understand his present decisions are guided by past traumas. At the annual gathering of central bankers and
By raising interest rates, the Federal Reserve strengthened the U.S. currency—and revealed its centrality to global order. 2022 has been a year of dollar power—power
Yes, fiscal and monetary policy seemed stuck for too long in expansionary mode. But the era also saw the rebalancing of the world economy. Some
In November 2019, from the salon doré of the Élysée Palace, where Charles de Gaulle once held court, Emmanuel Macron warned his fellow Europeans that
Asia gets the attention, but the real economic revolution is the inevitable growth of an overlooked continent. In the coming decades, we face a revolutionary
Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has upended world politics and nowhere more so than in Germany. Addressing an emergency session of the Bundestag on 27
The aim of the billions committed through the Lend-Lease plan could tip the geopolitical balance. History may be about to repeat itself In the spring
Amid the twisted girders, ruined walls and underground tunnels of the Azovstal plant, Ukraine’s defenders are making their last stand in the siege of Mariupol.
Will Putin’s invasion of Ukraine lead to a new world order, or an era of grinding compromise? It was the French Revolution that defined the
Global economics will never be the same—but not in the ways you might think. For NATO and the West’s relations with Moscow, Russian President Vladimir
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