How power operates in modern history is my central theme. What unifies my books is the attempt to write a history of the uneven and combined development of power and to do so in narrative form. The books are flanked by more eclectic fields of interest. These are collected below in more or less coherent clusters. The specific themes range from the history of World War II and military and economic power, to questions of international relations and international economic history, from the concrete materiality of industrial and agrarian history, to the abstractions of modern social theory.
Areas of interest (click to be taken to articles in a particular category):
World War I & World War II
- “The political economy of the July crisis”, A. Anievas ed. 1914 (Brill, 2014).
- “Wide awake to war” (German)
- “Democracy in a time of Total War” in Mueller and Tooze, Normalität und Fragilität: Demokratie nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg (Hamburger Editionen: Hamburg, 2015).
- “Ring of Steel”
- Tooze and T. Fertik, “The Great War and the Global Economy”, Geschichte und Gesellschaft 2014
- “Empires at War”
- “The war of the villages”, in Geyer and Tooze, Cambridge History of World War II (2015).
- “Financing the war against Hitler”, with Jamie Martin in Geyer and Tooze, Cambridge History of World War II (2015).
- “The Road to Britain’s Retreat”
- “To break an enemy’s will” Review of Richard Overy The Bombers and the Bombed WSJ February 2014.
- “Fire and Blood”
- “The MG42: the histories of a machine gun” Talk given at King’s College War Studies May 2016
- audio here powerpoint here:MG42 paper 2017
- Tooze D-Day A New Kind of War – review essay on D-Day and its historiography.
German History
- `German business in the interwar period’ in P. Panayi, ed., Weimar and Nazi Germany: Continuities and Discontinuities, Longman (2001), 173-198.
- “No Room for Miracles. Reassessing industrial production in Nazi Germany, 1939-1945” Geschichte und Gesellschaft 31 (2005), 439-464
- ‘Economics, Ideology and Cohesion in the Third Reich: A critique of Goetz Aly’s Hitlers Volksstaat’, Dapim. Studies on the Shoah 20 (2006), 217-232. (In Hebrew) Download in English
- Exchange with Götz Aly in TAZ and Die Zeit 2005
- Review of Götz Aly English edition in Telegraph
- Review S. Friedlaender for the Sunday Telegraph 2006/7
- “Germany” in Q. Skinner ed. The Family in European History (Cambridge, 2010)
- Germany Wilhelmine, Weimar, Nazi, Federal Republic, “The German Economy 1917-1945” in Helmut Walser Smith ed. The Oxford Handbook of Modern German History (Oxford, 2011)
- Frederick Taylor “The Downfall of Money”, Wall Street Journal, September 2013.
- Tooze, “The Sense of a Vacuum”, Historical Materialism. Roundtable on Wages of Destruction (2014).
- “The Myth of the Good Nazi”
The History of Economic Knowledge and Expertise
- “The Trouble with Numbers: Politics, history and economics in the construction of Weimar Trade Statistics” American Historical Review (June 2008)
- `Economic Statistics and the Weimar State: The Reich’s Statistical Office and the Institute for Business-Cycle Research, 1924-1933.’ Economic History Review, LII, 3 (August 1999), 523-543
- ‘The Rosetta Stone of German Industry: The Reich’s Census of Industrial Production 1936’, C. Buchheim ed., German Industry in the Nazi Period (Stuttgart, 2008)
- ‘The crisis of Gelehrtenpolitik and the alienated economic mind: Economists and politics in interwar Germany’ in M.J. Daunton and F. Trentmann
- eds. Worlds of Political Economy (London, , 2005), 189-216.
- ‘Die Vermessung der Welt: Ansaetze zu einer Kulturgeschichte der Wirtschaftsstatistik’ (Measuring the world: approaches to a cultural history of economic statistics) H. Berghoff and J. Vogel eds. Wirtschaftsgeschichte als Kulturgeschichte (Frankfurt, 2004), 92-104
- `Imagining National Economies: National and International Economics Statistics 1900-1950′, in G. Cubitt, ed., Imagining Nations Manchester University Press 1998 (Manchester, 1998), 90-125.
- ‘ The Knowledge of Occupation – Reflections on the History of Economic Statistics in France and Germany, 1914-1950.’ in B. Zimmermann, C. Didry, P. Wagner, eds.,Le Travail et la Nation, Édition M.S.H. (Paris, 1998). (in French), 55-80.
Political Economy & International Relations 1900-2007
- Tooze and T. Fertik, “The Great War and the Global Economy”, Geschichte und Gesellschaft 2014
- “Empires at War”
- “Reenvisioning the moral economy of reconstruction” in D. Feldman and Mazower eds Past and Present Special Issue 2011.
- “The Great inflation” with Stefan Eich in Lutz Raphael and Anselm Manteuffel After the Boom (2015).
- Tooze, “Who is afraid of inflation. The Long-shadow of the 1970s” Journal of Modern European History;Feb2014, Vol. 12 Issue 1
Agrarianism and Industrialism
- “The war of the villages”, in Geyer and Tooze, Cambridge History of World War II (2015).
- “Disciplining the Black Sheep of the Balkans. Sovereignty and Bulgarian Foreign Debt 1900-1939”, Economic History Review (2010) (with M. Ivanov)
- With M. Ivanov, ‘Convergence or Decline on Europe’s Southeastern Periphery? Agriculture, Population, and GNP in Bulgaria, 1892-1945’ Journal of Economic History 67 (2007), 672 – 703
- Tooze and Ristuccia, “The Cutting Edge of Modernity: Machine Tools in the rearmament boom 1933-1945” Economic History Review (2013).
- “Punktuelle Modernisierung: die Akkumulation von Werkzeugmaschinenim Dritten Reich” Jahrbuch fuer Wirtschaftsgeschichte (2003/1), 79-98
- Review of G. Herrigel, Industrial Constructions. The Sources of German industrial power (1996) C.F. Sabel and J. Zeitlin (eds.) World of Possibilities. Flexibility and Mass Production in Western Industrialization (1997) and P. Scranton, Endless Novelty. Specialty Production and American Industrialization 1865-1925 (1997) in Social History Vol. 25 No. 2 May 2000, pp. 247-250.
- The History of Production I: The Global History of Machine Tools. Knowledge, Narratives and Fiction, March 2009, Center for History and Economics King’s College Cambridge co-sponsored by Thyssen Foundation and Boeckler Stiftung
The Atlantic Financial Crisis
- “Germany’s Unsustainable Growth: Austerity Now, Stagnation Later” Foreign Affairs Aug/Sep 2012
- “Inflation gegen die Krise”, Sueddeutsche Zeitung 16 July 2013
- Diesmal ist es wirklich anders. Amerikas “Große Rezession” im Spiegel der Geschichte.
- “Deutsche Bank after the end of history”, Festschrift for Jonathan Steinberg ed D’Maris Kaufmann and Harold James (2015).
- “How to mishandle a crisis Review of Barry Eichengreen, Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession and the Uses—and Misuses—of History, Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York 2015″ New Left Review 2015,
- “Just another panic?”
- “After the wars”
Theory & History
- “Contra Boldizzoni: Bringing “pseudohistory” back in”,
- “Camps in Dorking. Is Terry Eagleton in Earnest?” TLS 4 November 2011
- Diesmal ist es wirklich anders. Amerikas “Große Rezession” im Spiegel der Geschichte.
- On Foucault’s Security, Territory and Population contribution to Columbia Foucault 13/13 seminar, December 2015
- “Unmaking the economy” (2016) presented at the “Foucault, political life and history” at the LSE 17 June 2016 Tooze Unmaking the Economy 2016
- “A general logic of crisis. A review of Wolfgang Streeck’s How Will Capitalism End?” LRB 5 January 2017
- Review of Frank Trentmann’s for Guardian
- the original version is here, Tooze Trentmann Guardian Review Original Prior to Editing April 2016 and here as edited by the paper.